- Clifty Creek Elementary School
- Title Services
Monica Kaufman
Title 1, Clifty Creek Elementary School
(812) 376-4342
About Title Services
The vision of the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation's Title 1 Program is to provide services and resources for eligible students, educators, and families. Cooperative efforts among state, school, home, and community will ensure high expectations for Title 1 programs that result in educational excellence for students.
Title 1 Purpose
Title 1 is a federal education program that provides additional funding to school districts. Title 1 provides financial assistance to schools with high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children achieve proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards. Schoolwide programs must use instructional strategies based on evidence based research and family engagement activities.BCSC Title Services Office
Dr. Gina Pleak, Director of Title Services, 812-314-3858
Jill Baker, Administrative Assistant of Title Services, 812-314-3860
Kathryn Conrad, Grant Monitor of Title Services, 812-376-4478
Title Services Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the Title 1 teachers in BCSC and what is their contact information?
Clifty Creek Elementary - Amy Mihaljevic & Monica Kaufman
Schmitt Elementary - Michelle Ianni & Michelle Pruitt
Smith Elementary - Carmella Musillami & Emily Minnich
Taylorsville Elementary - Stacey Tolliver
How does my state and school district receive Title 1 dollars?
Title 1 funds flow to states and school districts on a formula basis. The formula takes into account the number of low-income children and the statewide average per pupil expenditures. Resources within the state are targeted to the districts with the greatest need.What services does Title 1 provide?
Title 1 funds generally are used to improve academic achievement in reading and/or math, but the resources can be used to help students improve their achievement in all of the core academic subjects. Title 1 funds are flexible, and can be used to provide professional development for teachers; support hiring additional teachers aides; improve curriculum; enhance family engagement; extend learning time for students who need extra help; and provide other activities that are tied to raising student achievement.What does the term "Title 1 schoolwide program" mean?
A school that receives Title 1 dollars and that has a student enrollment in which more than half of the students are low-income is eligible to operate a "schoolwide program." A schoolwide program requires a plan to improve academic achievement of all students in the school using Title I dollars on all of the students. Clifty Creek, Schmitt, Smith and Taylorsville Elementary Schools are schoolwide Title 1 programs in BCSC.
What about children with disabilities?
Children with disabilities are eligible for Title 1 services if the school and the student meets the Title I eligibility criteria. Title 1 services roughly 1 million students with disabilities.What about children with limited English proficiency?
Children whose native language is other than English can receive Title 1 services in addition to bilingual education services so long as the school and the student meet the Title 1 eligibility criteria. Title 1 services are provided to approximately 2 million students with limited English proficiency, roughly one-fifth of all students served by the program.
Title Services Resources
Student Identification & Selection Forms
Indiana Department of Education Title 1