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health benefits


As a full-time BCSC employee, you are eligible for health and prescription benefits. If you did not enroll in health coverage as a new employee, you are eligible to enroll each fall during the open enrollment period (or if you experience a HIPAA qualifying event). Heather Downin is the BCSC benefits specialist. She can be contacted via email ( or via phone 812-376-4203. Resources for your health benefits can be found in the links below:


Benefit Guide

2025 Benefit Guide - Summary of Health, Dental and Vision Options

Medical Benefits


BCSC is self-insured, so we do not have an insurance company. SIHO is the third-party that serves as the administrator of BCSC's health plan. SIHO provides secure internet access to give you the information you need anytime you need it. Some of these services are: Claims Status, Coverage Information, Forms, Frequently Asked Questions and Resource Materials. Employees are encouraged to contact SIHO by phone at (812) 378-7070 or (800) 443-2980 toll free.
Edison Healthcare 
BCSC employees and covered family members who are part of our health plan have access some of the nation's top medical centers through Edison Healthcare. The member will travel to see the best available doctors and pay nothing out-of-pocket, including the cost of travel. Learn more about Edison Healthcare at the link 

Dental Benefits
Delta Dental Plan Benefits Summary
Delta Dental PPO National Point-of-Service Program Booklet
Delta Dental WEBSITE! -
Sign up to manage your benefits, 24/7. Print ID cards, update personal information, review claims, go paperless, and more!


Vision Benefits

VSP® Vision Care

VSP Notice of Privacy Practices
 VSP Benefit Summary
VSP Member Site Login
Register as a member so you can:

  • Find in-network doctors
  • Print out your benefits card
  • Online Reimbursement Forms
  • View & print your member benefits
  • Receive a monthly newsletter
  • FAQ's


How to file for Out-of-Network reimbursement

When services and/or materials are obtained from an open access provider, members have two reimbursement choices
1.  Members can ask an open access provider to submit a request for reimbursement on their behalf. This means members won’t need to pay their entire bill up front and will only be responsible for paying applicable copays and any balance above their open access schedule.
2.  Members can pay the open access provider directly and submit a request for reimbursement to VSP, using the following procedure:
a.  Pay the open access provider the full amount and request an itemized copy of the bill. The bill should separately detail the charges for the eye exam and materials, including lens type.

b.  Include the following information with the bill:

                           i.    The name, address, and phone number of the open access provider

                          ii.    The covered member's ID number

                         iii.    The covered member's name, address, and phone number

                         iv.    The name of the group

                          v.    The patient's name, date of birth, address, and phone number

                         vi.    The patient's relationship to the covered member (such as self, spouse, child, student, etc).


 Members can write the information on the bill or use the printable form available when members sign on to view benefits information at

c. Send a copy of the itemized bill(s) with the above information to VSP at:


P.O. Box 997105

Sacramento, CA 95899-7105

-Please note that claims for reimbursement must be filed within twelve months of the date of service. Members will be reimbursed according to the open access reimbursement schedule.

Wellness Benefits

2024 BCSC Wellness Plan
If you complete all the elements of the Wellness plan, you are eligible for a $250 or $500 reduction of your premiums annually. You have until October 15 of each year to complete the wellness steps. Upon completion, you are able to enroll in the reduced premium plan at open enrollment each November. 
4 Steps of Wellness
1) Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Questionnaire
2) Biometrics
3) Physical
4) Dental Screening

Login to the Health Risk Assessment Questionnaire
2024 Wellness Verification Form (email to, or fax to 812-375-8879, or drop off to the BCSC Health Center - 2100 25th St Suite I , Columbus, IN  47201)