Julie Miller
Director of Wellness
About Wellness
The School Board supports the health and well-being of the school corporation's students and staff by promoting environmental supports, good nutrition, and physical activity opportunities. Research suggests that there is a positive correlation between a students' health and well-being and the students'ability to learn. Schools have an opportunity to play a role in the developmental process by which students establish healthy nutritional and health habits. BCSC is committed to fostering an environment that supports the physical and mental health of all school staff and students to better ensure students' health and academic success.
BCSC's mission is to develop expert learners by partnering with our community to invest in people. The Wellness Team focuses on safe and welcoming learning environments in which every learner has positive relationships and access to resources needed to thrive. The 3 focus areas of wellness are students/ families, staff and the community.
Healthy schools lead to healthy students, leading to a healthy community.
(To meet the physical, social & psychological needs of students & staff)
Julie Miller, Director of Wellness
Kelli Thompson, Director of Health Services
Janae Norman, Student and Employee Assistance Coordinator
Sarah Frasier, SEL Curriculum Coordinator