- Employee Access
- Staff eLearning
- Web Accessible Links
- Change of Address Form
- Health Benefits
- Payroll
- Accounts Payable
- Verifent
- Public Service Loan Forgiveness Form
Employee Access
Staff eLearning
Web Accessible Links
Change of Address Form
All employees who need to change their address must submit their request in writing.
Please download and fill out the form below to change your address.
Once completed please:
- Print the form and send it through inter-office mail to Heather Downin, Benefits Coordinator, at the Administration building
- Save the form and email it as an attachment to Heather Downin at
Health Benefits
Click here for more information about benefits.
Accounts Payable
How to View AP Reimbursement Payments
2024-2025 Claim Payment Schedule
Accounts Payable Contacts:
Dawn Whaley
BCSC extension 1099
Jenny Thompson
BCSC extension 1000
Public Service Loan Forgiveness Form
- PowerSchool Student Information System
- PowerSource Online Distance Learning Courses
- PowerTeacher
- PowerScheduler Documentation
- Parent Portal Sign On
PowerSchool Student Information System
PowerSchool Links
Documentation and Tutorials
PowerTeacher Portal
PowerTeacher PORTAL User Guide
PowerTeacher PORTAL Quick Reference Card
(old but still good for basic navigation)
PowerTeacher Mobile
PowerTeacher Mobile What's New
Common Core Standards - Growth Model Report Card
Power Teacher Pro
- PowerTeacher Pro Quick Reference Guide
- PowerTeacher Pro Enhancement List
- Preferred Class Name
- Standards and Full Student Schedule report options
- Import scores
- Copy Traditional Grade Calculations
- Copy Assignments from PowerTeacher Gradebook
- Comment Bank usability improvements
- Formatting bar for class, assignment, and category descriptions
- Section Readiness report
- Metrics on Category Totals screen
- Instructions and tutorials are available in itslearning and on the PowerSchool Support site
- itslearning>BCSC Connect>PowerTeacher Pro Help
- PowerSchool Support Site - Online Resources & Tutorials Online Resource Registration Instructions
PowerSource Online Distance Learning Courses
PowerSchool Training When YOU Want It!
Online Distance Learning Courses and 5-10 Minute Refresher Tutorials
To access the online courses and tutorials please register with PowerSource using your BCSC email account.
Registration Instructions
Register at: to access PowerSchool tutorials.
Please use your BCSC email address when registering and choose a role that matches your job responsibilities.
You will receive a registration confirmation email from PowerSource with a link to create a password.
From there you will be signed-in to the support site.
Once you are logged into PowerSchool's support site:
- Click on the Training tab and then click on the PD+ Training button.
- On the PD+ Training landing page search on the topic you need some training or brushing up on.
- Keywords: Search on a topic
- Duration: Check the box for either a 5-10 refresher or a 60+ minute interactive tutorial
- Click on Update Results
Please submit a BCSC 360 support ticket if you need any help with registering or searching for a tutorial.
60 Minute Interactive Tutorials
Pearson Distance Learning courses are available 24/7 through self-paced asynchronous instruction.
The courses have been designed for the adult learner to include simulation and authentic assessment. You can start and stop units as time permits. The Distant Learning Courses feature audio, graphics, text, and search capabilities to maximize the retention for each unique learner.
PowerTeacher Pro 60 Minute Tutorials
Refresher Tutorials
Refresher tutorials are designed to provide quick answers to common PowerSchool questions you might encounter daily. Each tutorial lasts between 5 to 10 minutes and leverages realistic PowerSchool scenarios that engage users and encourage prompt application of newfound knowledge.
PowerTeacher Portal
PowerTeacher PORTAL User Guide
PowerTeacher PORTAL Quick Reference Card
PowerTeach Pro
PowerTeacher Pro - Quick Reference Card
PowerTeacher Mobile
PowerTeacher Mobile What's New
Common Core Standards - Growth Model Report Card
Growth Model Report Card information can be found in itslearning course BCSC Connect under Elementary Resources/Growth Model Report Card Resources
PowerTeacher Pro
-PowerTeacher Pro Quick Reference Guide
-PowerTeacher Pro Enhancement List
-Preferred Class Name
-Standards and Full Student Schedule report options
-Import scores
-Copy Traditional Grade Calculations
-Copy Assignments from PowerTeacher Gradebook
-Comment Bank usability improvements
-Formatting bar for class, assignment, and category descriptions
-Section Readiness report
-Metrics on Category Totals screen
-Instructions and tutorials are available in itslearning and on the PowerSchool Support site
-itslearning>BCSC Connect>PowerTeacher Pro Help
-PowerSchool Support Site - Online Resources & Tutorials Online Resource Registration Instructions
PowerScheduler Documentation
Build your Schedule
Prepare to Build Workbook
Load your Schedule
PowerScheduler Online Tutorials at PowerSource
*Not registered yet to access Mastery in Minutes or Distance Learning Courses?
Register at: to access PowerSchool tutorials
Please use your BCSC email address when registering and choose a role that matches your job responsibilities.
You will receive a registration confirmation email from PowerSource with a link to create a password.
From there you will be signed-in to the support site.
Once you are logged into PowerSchool's support site:
- Click on the Training tab and then click on the PD+ Training button.
- On the PD+ Training landing page search on the topic you need some training or brushing up on.
- Keywords: Search on a topic
- Duration: Check the box for either a 5-10 refresher or a 60+ minute interactive tutorial
- Click on Update Results
Please submit a BCSC 360 support ticket if you need any help with registering or searching for a tutorial.
Online Distance Learning Courses
Take the Prepare to Build and Load series of courses if you plan on using PowerScheduler to create a master schedule.
Search on the keyword "PowerScheduler" and choose the title "PowerScheduler Part 1: Prepare to Build and Load a Master Schedule"
You will learn how to get everything ready so you are prepared to attend a Build Workshop, where trainers can help you complete the build, then load students into the master schedule.
Take the Prepare to Load series of courses if you are going to modify an existing master schedule on your own and use PowerScheduler to load students into the schedule.
Search on the keyword "PowerScheduler" and choose the title "PowerScheduler Part 1: Prepare to Load a Master Schedule"
Parent Portal Sign On
Parents & Guardians Log Into Parent Portal With
Parent Portal Single Sign On
To View Student Grades and Attendance
With a Single Sign On account a parent/guardian will be able to see information about multiple students using a single username and password. In order to use this feature, you must first create an account.
Parent/guardians will need to have a Parent Portal Access ID and Access Password to create a Single Sign On account. If the student is a returning student you should have the information already. If your student is new to the school you can get the information from your school.
VIDEO Instructions:
- ParentPortal Setup - Click Here to watch a short video overview demonstrating how to create a new parent or guardian account.
- ParentPortal Mobile App Setup - Click Here to watch a video on how to set up and use the ParentPortal Mobile App.
- Click here for a step by step handout on how to create a single sign-on account.
Once the account is created parents will also be able to change their passwords to sign on and if the username or password is forgotten parents will have the ability to reset the information.
Complete Parent Portal Detailed User Guide
CURRENT STUDENTS: The Access ID and Password used to access Parent Portal in the previous school year is still active and will need to be used to create a Single Sign On account. If you have forgotten your Access ID and Password you will need to go to your child's school and present a picture ID to receive it.
NEW STUDENTS: If you have a child who is new to BCSC you will need to go to your child's school and pick up your Parent Portal Access ID and Password from the front desk. You will be asked for a picture ID proving your identity as a parent or guardian.
NOTE: If you have children in more than one school, you will need an Access ID and password for each student. You will need to provide an ID proving you are the parent or guardian of the child when you pick up your child’s Access ID and Password.
3 Steps to access Parent Portal
STEP 1 - Go to your child's school and get an Access ID and Password for each child
STEP 2 - Either click on or enter the following Parent Portal address in an internet browser window
STEP 3 - Create a personal Parent Portal Single Sign On Account with your child's Access ID and Password.