- BCSC Tutor List
- Early Enrollment Information
- Technology Resources
- Parent Portal
- Excused Absence Form
- Extra-Curricular Consent Form
- Volunteer Information
- Parent Teacher Conference
- PE Waiver (High School)
- 21st Century Scholars
- iGrad
- BCSC Student Transfer Form
- BCSC Complaint Form
- Homeless Information
- New Panel
BCSC Tutor List
Early Enrollment Information
Bartholomew Consolidated Schools Kindergarten & Grade 1 Early Enrollment
Parents of children seeking early entrance into kindergarten or first grade at Bartholomew Consolidated Elementary Schools must submit an application. Applications for the upcoming school year will be available starting the first business day of February and are due by the first business day of April. Families will receive notification of the decision on or after July 28th.
Once applications are available, the guidelines should be reviewed carefully, and all required documents must be submitted to the school the child will attend.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten Application: Any student who will turn 5 years old between Aug. 2 and Sept. 30, 2025, may apply to enter Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year. Please download the appropriate application and follow the instructions.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten (English)
Early Entrance to Kindergarten (Spanish)
Early Entrance to Grade 1: Any student who will turn 6 years of age between Aug. 2 and Sept. 30, 2025, may apply for early enrollment to Grade 1 for the 2025-26 school year. Please download the appropriate application and follow the instructions.
Early Entrance to 1st Grade (English)
Early Entrance to 1st Grade (Spanish)
Technology Resources
Parent Portal
Excused Absence Form
Extra-Curricular Consent Form
Volunteer Information
All volunteers at BCSC must obtain a criminal history check. This includes volunteers in the classroom and for field trip chaperones. Forms are available in the office at no cost to the volunteer as well as on the website .
If you think you may want to accompany your child’s class on a field trip or volunteer on a regular basis please fill out a form and return it to your facilitator or the main office.
They will be good for the entire school year and must be renewed yearly.
Parent Teacher Conference
The parent-teacher conference can play a significant role in the education of our students in three (3) important ways:
A. | providing the teacher with vital information from parents that will strengthen the plans and strategies the teacher uses with a student | |
B. | helping parents understand more clearly what the school and the teacher are trying to accomplish with a student, what is required for students to accomplish such results, and what the parent can do to facilitate the process | |
C. | building a strong home-school partnership that has implications for support of school programs beyond particular classroom or grade |
PE Waiver (High School)
Physical Education Waiver
This program is available to only those students who are attending high school.
Please contact your high school PE/Health Department if you need further assistance or if you need additional information.
East High School PE/Health Department
North High School PE/Health Department
CSA New Tech PE/Health Department
Please read through
"To the Parents of Prospective PE Waiver Students" first.
To Parents of Perspective PE Waiver Students (High School Only)
21st Century Scholars
BCSC Student Transfer Form
BCSC Student In-District Transfer (within BCSC)
BCSC Student Out-of-District Transfer (outside of BCSC)
Elementary & Secondary
Out-of-District Student Transfer Information and Form
A legal transfer must be completed if a child is enrolled in a BCSC school by a placing agency or the courts and child’s parent/legal guardian resides outside of the district.
A parent/legal guardian whose residency is outside the Bartholomew Consolidated School district may apply for a transfer if they want their child to attend a BCSC school.
A student must reapply for transfer enrollment prior to transitioning into middle and high school. This means a student will have to reapply in their 6th and 8th grade school years.
Approval of a transfer is based on space available in the receiving school and the student's standing in their home corporation.
Questions regarding residency and legal transfers should be directed to 812-376-4280.
Out of district transfers call 812-375-1762.
BCSC Complaint Form
Homeless Information
New Panel
- Anti-Harassment
- Definitions of Harassment
- Other Violations of Anti-Harassment
- Report Harassment
- Bullying Policy
- Bullying Prevention Links
- Report Bullying
General Policy Statement - policy 5517
It is the policy of the Board of School Trustees to maintain an education and work environment that is free from all forms of unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment, occurring in the Corporation's educational opportunities, programs, and/or activities, or, if initially occurring off Corporation grounds or outside the Corporation's educational opportunities, programs, and activities, affecting the Corporation environment (hereinafter referred to collectively as "unlawful harassment"). This commitment applies to all Corporation operations, educational opportunities, programs, and activities. All students, administrators, teachers, staff, and all other school personnel share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and reporting any form of unlawful harassment occurring in the Corporation's educational opportunities, programs, and/or activities, or, if initially occurring off Corporation grounds or outside the Corporation's educational opportunities, programs, and activities, affecting the Corporation environment. This policy applies to unlawful conduct occurring on school property, or at another location if such conduct affects the Corporation environment.
The Board will vigorously enforce its prohibition against unlawful harassment, that is based on race, color, national origin, sex (including transgender status, sexual orientation and/or gender identity), religion, disability, military status, ancestry, or genetic information, which are classes protected by Federal and/or State civil rights laws (hereinafter referred to as "Protected Classes"), and encourages those within the Corporation community as well as third parties who feel aggrieved to seek assistance to rectify such problems occurring in the Corporation’s educational opportunities, programs and/or activities, or, if initially occurring off Corporation grounds or outside the Corporation’s educational opportunities, programs and activities, affecting the Corporation environment.
Definitions of Harassment
Sexual Harassment
Pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, "sexual harassment" is defined as:
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when:
A.Submission to such conduct is made either implicitly or explicitly a term or condition of an individual's status in a class, educational program, or activity.
B.Submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for educational decisions affecting such individual.
C.Such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual's educational performance; of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment; or of interfering with one's ability to participate in or benefit from a class or an educational program or activity.
Sexual harassment may involve the behavior of a person of either gender against a person of the same or opposite gender.
Prohibited acts that constitute sexual harassment may take a variety of forms. Examples of the kinds of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
A. unwelcome sexual propositions, invitations, solicitations, and flirtations;
B. sexual violence, including physical and/or sexual assault;
C. threats or insinuations that a person's academic grade, promotion, classroom work or assignments, academic status, participation in athletics or extra-curricular programs or events, or other conditions of education may be adversely affected by not submitting to sexual advances;
D. unwelcome verbal expressions of a sexual nature, including graphic sexual commentaries about a person's body, dress, appearance, or sexual activities; the unwelcome use of sexually degrading language, jokes or innuendoes; unwelcome suggestive or insulting sounds or whistles; obscene telephone calls;
E. sexually suggestive objects, pictures, videotapes, audio recordings or literature, placed in the educational environment, which may embarrass or offend individuals;
F. unwelcome and inappropriate touching, patting, or pinching; obscene gestures;
G.a pattern of conduct, which can be subtle in nature, that has sexual overtones and is intended to create or has the effect of creating discomfort and/or humiliation to another;
H.remarks speculating about a person's sexual activities or sexual history, or remarks about one's own sexual activities or sexual history;
I.inappropriate boundary invasions by a Corporation employee or other adult member of the Corporation community into a student's personal space and personal life;
J.verbal, nonverbal or physical aggression, intimidation, or hostility based on sex or sex-stereotyping that does not involve conduct of a sexual nature; the context of employees, consensual sexual relationships where such relationship leads to favoritism of a subordinate employee with whom the superior is sexually involved and where such favoritism adversely affects other employees or otherwise creates a hostile work environment.
Not all behavior with sexual connotations constitutes unlawful sexual harassment. Sex-based or gender-based conduct must be sufficiently severe, pervasive, and persistent such that it adversely affects, limits, or denies an individual's employment or education or creates a hostile or abusive employment or educational environment.
NOTE: Sexual conduct/relationships with students by a Corporation employee or any other adult member of the School Corporation community is prohibited, and any teacher, administrator, coach, other school authority, or staff member who engages in certain sexual conduct with a student may be disciplined up to and including termination and also may be guilty of the criminal charge of "sexual battery" as set forth in I.C. 35-42-4-8. In the case of a child under fourteen (14) years of age, the person also may be guilty of "child molesting" under I.C. 35-42-4-3. In the case of a child between the ages of fourteen (14) and sixteen (16), the person also may be guilty of "sexual misconduct with a minor" under I.C. 35-42-4-9. The issue of consent is irrelevant in regard to the latter two (2) criminal charges. Any employee accused of sexual relations with a student may be placed on leave until school administrative proceedings are completed. Proven sexual relationships with a student regardless of the age of the student will initiate the termination process for the employee.
National Origin Harassment
Prohibited national origin harassment occurs when unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct is based upon an individual's national origin and when the conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual's educational performance; of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment; or of interfering with one's ability to participate in or benefit from a class or an educational program or activity. Such harassment may include but is not limited to conduct directed at the characteristics of a person's national origin, such as negative comments regarding customs, manner of speaking, language, surnames, or ethnic slurs.
Race/Color Harassment
Prohibited racial harassment occurs when unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct is based upon an individual's race or color and when the conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual's educational performance; of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment; or of interfering with one's ability to participate in or benefit from a class or an educational program or activity. Such harassment may include but is not limited to conduct directed at the characteristics of a person's race or color, such as racial slurs, nicknames implying stereotypes, epithets, and/or negative references relative to racial customs.
Religious (Creed) Harassment
Prohibited religious harassment occurs when unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct is based upon an individual's religion or creed and when the conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual's educational performance; of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment; or of interfering with one's ability to participate in or benefit from a class or an educational program or activity. Such harassment may include but is not limited to conduct directed at the characteristics of a person's religious tradition, clothing, or surnames, and/or involving religious slurs.
Disability Harassment
Prohibited disability harassment occurs when unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct is based upon an individual's disability and when the conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual's educational performance; of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment; or of interfering with one's ability to participate in or benefit from a class or an educational program or activity. Such harassment may include but is not limited to conduct directed at the characteristics of a person's disabling condition, such as negative comments about speech patterns, movement, physical impairments or defects/appearances, or the like.
Other Violations of Anti-Harassment
The Corporation also will take immediate steps to impose disciplinary action on individuals engaging in any of the following prohibited acts:
A. Retaliating against a person who has made a report or filed a complaint alleging unlawful harassment (see definition on page 1) or who has participated as a witness in a harassment investigation.
B. Filing a malicious or knowingly false report or complaint of unlawful harassment (see definition on page 1).
C. Disregarding, failing to investigate adequately, or delaying investigation of allegations of unlawful harassment (see definition on page 1), when responsibility for reporting and/or investigating unlawful harassment charges comprises part of one's supervisory duties.
Report Harassment
Bullying Policy
Bully Education
Any student who believes s/he has been or is currently the victim of bullying should immediately report the situation to the building principal or assistant principal or the Superintendent. The student also may report concerns to a teacher or counselor who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate administrator or Board official. This report may be made anonymously. Complaints against the building principal should be filed with the Superintendent or designee. Complaints against the Superintendent should be filed with the Board President. A parent may file a complaint on behalf of a student in the same manner.
- Every student is encouraged, and every staff member is required, to report any situation that they believe to be bullying behavior directed toward a student. Reports may be made to those identified above. Staff members who fail to report bullying or who fail to conduct an investigation when assigned that duty are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
- All complaints about bullying behavior that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated according to the timeline established by the Superintendent's administrative guidelines.
If, during an investigation of reported acts of bullying and/or harassment, the investigator believes that the reported misconduct may have created a hostile learning environment and may have constituted unlawful discriminatory harassment based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, or disability, the investigator will report the act of bullying and/or harassment to one (1) of the Compliance Officers so that it may be investigated in accordance with the procedures set forth in Policy 5517 - Anti-Harassment.
If the investigator finds an instance of bullying behavior has occurred, prompt and appropriate action or responses shall be taken to address the bullying behavior wherever it occurs including, as appropriate, disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion for students, discharge for employees, exclusion for parents, guests, volunteers, and contractors, and removal from any official position and/or a request to resign for Board members. Bullying acts shall be reported to law enforcement officials immediately upon determining that a report to law enforcement is necessary.
The parents of the targeted student and the reported bully shall be notified of the alleged bullying incident at the beginning of the investigation, the findings of the investigation at the conclusion of the investigation, and, as appropriate, any remedial action that has been or will be taken to the extent disclosure is permitted by law. In addition to discipline, remedial action may include support services for the targeted student and bullying education for the bully, among other actions.
Retaliation against any person who reports, is thought to have reported, files a complaint, or otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry concerning allegations of bullying is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Such retaliation shall be considered a serious violation of Board policy and independent of whether a complaint is substantiated. Suspected retaliation should be reported in the same manner as bullying. Making intentionally false reports about bullying for the purpose of getting someone in trouble is similarly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Retaliation and making intentionally false reports may result in disciplinary action as indicated above.
For a definition of and instances that could possibly be construed as hazing, consult Policy 5516.
To the extent appropriate and/or legally permitted, confidentiality will be maintained during the investigation process. However, a proper investigation will, in some circumstances, require the disclosure of names and allegations.
Safe School Committee
In accordance with State law, there shall be a Safe School Committee in each school within this Corporation (see Policy 8400 - School Safety).
The Superintendent is directed to develop administrative guidelines to implement this policy. Guidelines shall include reporting and investigative procedures, as needed. The complaint procedure established by the Superintendent shall be followed.
I.C. 5-2-10.1, 20-20-8-8, 20-30-5-5.5, 20-33-8-0.2, 20-33-8-13.5, 20-34-6-1
Bullying Prevention Links
Children's Safety Network
Wonderful resources for children's safety, suicide prevention, bullying prevention and much more!
Center for Safe Schools
Rich resources for school administrators, counselors and teachers.
Visit this site to gather facts about bullying, find out what you can do, and view videos for kids.
Indiana Department of Education - Bullying Prevention and Intervention
During the 2013 legislative session, the General Assembly passed HEA 1423(link is external), and the Governor signed P.L. 285-2013 into law. The law requires a response from the Department of Education, in collaboration with school safety specialists and school counselors. The information and resources included on this page meet the requirements of this legislation.
For more information, visit the Indiana DOE site.
U.S. Department of Education
Articles related to bullying, statistics and much more!
Ad Council Bullying Prevention
Excellent "one stop" web page for resources on stopping bullying.