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Canvas for Students and Families

BCSC has adopted Canvas as our learning management system, K-12. Canvas is an online learning management system that can be accessed via the web, chromebooks, and the Canvas student mobile application. All eLearning day lessons will be available on Canvas and it is also where students can access textbooks, lessons, and online learning materials.
To access Canvas, students must be signed in to their BCSC Google accounts. Canvas can be accessed via the BCSC website (Canvas button), the BCSC bookmark bar on student devices, or by visiting our BCSC-specific Canvas URL:
Need help learning how to use Canvas or have questions? Check out the student and family guides below.

Elementary Canvas Student, Family Canvas Guides



Middle, High School (Secondary) Student, Family Canvas Guides



Middle, High School (Secondary) Student, Family - What-if Grade Calculator, Grades in Canvas


Video Tutorials

Elementary Canvas Video Tutorial (English)


Middle, High School Canvas Video Tutorial (English)


Additional Resources