• Since 1981, BCSC has been providing opportunities for high ability learners. On this website you will find information about several options for students. You can also learn more about the identification process, high ability programming, and important dates regarding testing and meetings.  

    Goals of High Ability Instruction

    • To develop in the students, their academic skills and higher level thinking skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation through an accelerated and enriched program. This is accomplished by:

                    -emphasizing higher level thinking skills and problem solving
                    -open-ended questions and activities
                    -collaboration, group interaction
                    -multi-disciplinary approach
                    -student choices
                    -study skills - organization, research and questioning strategies

    • To systematically identify students who demonstrate outstanding achievement or the potential ability to achieve in academic areas, math and English/language arts
    • To continually revise and improve our high ability program through a systematic evaluation process
    • To encourage broad based community participation and support in the planning, implementation and evaluation of our program



    • Kindergarten students are tested to indentify indicators of high ability potential.
    • Cluster grouping, multi-age classrooms, and other Universal Designs for Learning (UDL) practices are used to meet the needs of our elementary students at all grade levels at all schools.
    • A self-contained high ability elementary program for grades four through six is available for students identified as high ability learners in both categories. There are programs located at Parkside and Southside that provide students with the opportunity to be in a self-contained classroom with other high ability learners.


    • A self-contained high ability middle school program for grades seven and eight is located at both middle schools: Northside and Central. This program offers inclusion within a high ability team.


    • Honors classes, advanced college credit courses, or the advanced placement (AP) classes for high school high ability learners are offered at both high schools. Further questions should be directed to:

    Columbus East High School
    Kristin Schuetz
    Director of Counseling
    (812) 376-4357

    Columbus North High School
    Pat Pemberton
    Director of Counseling
    (812) 376-4292


    According to Indiana Code, a high ability student is one who: “performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interests.” (IC 20-36-1-3)

High Ability Information

  • Confirmation of Participation Forms

  • Self-Contained High Ability Program

  • Testing and Identification

  • Open Testing

  • Parent Student Opportunities

  • High Ability Secondary Options

  • High Ability Contact Information

  • Broad Based Planning Committee

  • Teacher Resources